5 unbelievable facts about the chaotic artisan industry most Nigerians are unaware of.

Posted by Zurk , on May 10, 2022

Have you ever wondered why reliable artisans are so hard to come by? How it has come to be that finding artisans in Lagos seems next to impossible.

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Have you ever wondered why reliable artisans are so hard to come by? How it has come to be that finding artisans in Lagos seems next to impossible.

This is largely due to how unorganized, constantly depleted, and chaotic the Nigerian artisan industry has been for some time. And asides from the fact that you and I have most likely practically been victims of this, there are actual facts to back all of it up.

Prepare your mind, this is going to be an unpleasant set of bullet points.

1. In case you didn’t know; The global artisan economy is worth a whopping $34 billion

2. According to experts, the Nigerian artisan industry is 80 percent dominated by foreign artisans and craftsmen. Foreigners are said to repatriate as much as N900 billion from Nigeria annually, leaving many local artisans jobless. Visits spread over 5 years to the supply of artisans reveal a drastic decrease in apprenticeship and artisanal products.

3. The artisan sector is believed to be the second-largest employer behind agriculture in the developing world including Nigeria.

4. Nigeria has an estimated over 300,000 artisans working in its major financial center—The city of Lagos.

5. A much larger percentage of artisans are unemployed. Nigeria’s unemployment rate is currently estimated at 33 percent This may plunge further due to a lack of indigenous skilled workers.

The thing is, these artisans are there, and a good number of them are still active. But a good number of them still have ways to go before they’re qualified to come into your homes. There is no bridge connecting them to you.

Buttt, here are some pleasant silver lining bullets;

• Artisans constitute about 30-35% of the population and create much of the beauty, grace, fun, and excitement the rest of the people enjoy in life.

• Skills acquisition boosts the labour market by empowering unskilled, poor, and unemployable youth for sound social living, thereby curbing restiveness, crime, and poverty.

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